A simple example

We use the node-addon to port the Rust project over with napi to target node.js.

There are some performance drawbacks from the addon, even still the crawls are lightning fast and efficient.


The examples below can help get started with spider.


A basic example.

import { Website } from '@spider-rs/spider-rs'

const website = new Website('https://choosealicense.com')

await website.crawl()


You can pass a function that could be async as param to crawl and scrape.

import { Website, type NPage } from '@spider-rs/spider-rs'

const website = new Website('https://choosealicense.com')

const links: NPage[] = []

const onPageEvent = async (err: Error | null, page: NPage) => {

await website.crawl(onPageEvent)


The title method allows you to extract the title of the page.

import { Website, pageTitle } from '@spider-rs/spider-rs'

const website = new Website('https://choosealicense.com')

const links = []

const onPageEvent = async (err, page) => {
  links.push({ title: pageTitle(page), url: page.url })

// params in order event, background, and headless chrome
await website.crawl(onPageEvent)


You can use the crawl shortcut method to collect contents quickly without configuration.

import { crawl } from '@spider-rs/spider-rs'

const { links, pages } = await crawl('https://choosealicense.com')

console.log([links, pages])